Although Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart may have passed away mysteriously his legacy still lives on in his Music and the buzzword Mozart Effect referring to an increase in brain development when listening to Mozarts Music.
It has always been known that sound environment has a good outcome on the feeling of well being on people on various age groups. Unfortunately very little scientific work has been carried out to investigate behaviour changes in relative to use of Music. Howe ver in recent years there has been growing interest in the therapeutic use of Music for Stress relief. Several properly conducted scientific experiments have concluded that good Music can affect the neurochemical transmissions leading to positive outcome on the brain at all periods. Currently one experiment is being conducted to figure out if classical Music such as of Mozart can affect Stress levels, heart rate, motor activity, mood and vital signs in premature babies. This wi ll be done by using a monitoring device and video camera to indicate the reactions of the infants to effect of Music. Interestingly premature newborns that are being exposed to Music have reduced symptoms of Stress and gain weight faster.
Another study showed that when Music is being played in the background it can relieve Stress in a hospital setting; as Music reduces anxiety and Stress in patients undergoing surgery. Amazingly Mozart's K448 sonata has been found to decrease epileptic attacks in humans and rats listening to it are able to go through a maze faster than those that were left in silence. Concomitantly, playing classical Music to children initiates positive physiological effects, low heart rate, low breathing rate, and lower levels of the cortisol, the Stress hormone. In sports psychology, Music has been used to aid runners and baseball players during their warm-ups, to enhance performance by increasing focus and reducing Stress. M ost probably all classical Music in general could trigger the Mozart Effect.
Good soothing Music has no side-effects and is highly good for people leading to reduced anxiety and Stress levels. It also induces increased memory, reduces emotional Stress, Depression, anxiety, agitation and promotes good immune system, decreases cortisol levels and increase well-being. Above all it can be applied everyday and is virtually free. Health professionals can teach patients about the power of Music so that it can lead to decrease in negative mood, Stress and Depression, and promote feelings of well being and relaxation. It is important we develop and investigate the power of such non traditional and non-pharmacological therapeutic modalities taking into consideration its ease and practicality in daily practice. Please feel free to use this article with proper referencing and outgoing link.
Author:: N Singh, PhD
Keywords:: Stress, Depression, Mozart Effect, Music
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