Thursday, July 12, 2012

How To Paint Guitars

Whether you are looking to paint an electric guitar or acoustic guitar, there are many things to prepare for and consider before you stArt. How to paint guitars is not as simple as painting a house, yet not as intricate as painting the Mona Lisa. The Art of painting guitars is to know how to balance painting the Mona Lisa and a house (not necessarily Monas house), basically its somewhere in between. Nonetheless, its an Art in its own right.

You will stArt off by taking some precautionary measures: get yourself a muzzle-mask and goggles. You will be doing a lot of sandpapering and if you are sanding an old guitar the dust from the sandpapered acyclic is very dangerous to your health. So, the first thing on your how to paint guitars list must be: Precaution.

Then you will move on to materials. While you are out getting the mask and goggles be sure to get the following: Sandpaper (fine, medium and course) a set of screw drivers, white spirit (not to drink), newspaper to cover tabletops and things you dont want to get all dusty, wood primer, paint color of your choice and some finishing lacquer, cloths for wiping down and brushing off the guitar, stable work surface and a well aired space (lets hope you have some good weather to work outside.) Again take precaution if you are using power tools and electrical appliances that you dont know how to use, either dont use them or get some one not as dumb as you (when it comes to power tools that it is). And that is your basic how to paint guitars list.

So, you have two guitars lying in front of you and you are staring at all the material youve just purchased, but you still dont know how to paint guitars.

Step one: Put on the mask and goggles and remember that there are no mistakes here only learn-as-you-go opportunities. Besides, if you mess up big time you can always sand it down again (lets hope you bought enough sand paper), though be smArt enough to stop sanding when youre left with a toothpick in your hand. If you are still unsure, speak to a few friends to get their opinions, and ask around in your neighborhood. You are sure to find s omeone that knows how to paint guitars.

The second step of your project is to dismantle your guitar (if you have more than one, I suggest one at a time) and place all screws, nuts, and other pieces in such a place that you will be able to find them later on. As this is quite a long process, do your project in a place where it will not be disturbed by anyone but you. After all the heavy work of scraping and cleaning we get to the best pArt painting your very own Mona Lisa.

Now, there are millions of ways to paint your guitar - the only limit is your imagination. Once you get past the sanding, there is no doubt that you now know how to paint guitars. For some design ideas take a peek on the web, look at comic books, dream about it, think about it and most important of all, just do it and have fun. So , go ahead paint a guitar for each member of your family.

Gen Mason is a guitar player from Florida. Discover free how to improve your guitar skills at Jamorama

Author:: Gen Mason
Keywords:: how to paint guitars
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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