Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Learning Keyboard and Piano: 5 Ways to Achieve Your Musical Goals Without Getting Stuck in a Rut

People usually have some goal or dream that inspires them to take up a musical instrument. But after the initial excitement, its not uncommon to give up, many decide its too difficult, theyre too busy- and whilst theyd still really love to be able to play well, they get stuck in a rut without making progress.

The fact is, mastering a musical instrument is difficult. But its not too difficult for anybody. To succeed, you will need to build your skills in self- control, discipline and determination. Achieving your goals in learning Piano or Keyboard isnt impossible. If you started out with good intentions that have now fallen by the way-side, read on to discover how to make a fresh start.

Accept you wont become an instant virtuoso

I dont think anyone is a born natural Piano or Keyboard player. One of the skills to develop as a good player is to make the music appear effortless and natural. But if you think about it, playing an instrument is a pretty unnatur al thing to do. We werent designed to do it. And reading music requires uses different parts of the brain to other activities.

If you think you can be really good after just a few weeks of playing, then you will be disappointed and disillusioned very quickly. From the outset, accept that you are going to have to work at many different skills. Realise that at whatever stage you are at, you can always improve. I think this is one of the beauties of learning music everyone is always learning and improving.

Use your current burst of enthusiasm to set you on the right path

If your reading this, youve probably resolved to improve your Keyboard playing and practice more. When you finish your internet research, youll most likely feel motivated, resolve to pull yourself together and go and practice for three hours.

But tomorrow, you wont feel so motivated, youll realise your marathon practice session made no difference and youll have about a million more impor tant things to do anyway.

Rather than repeating this cycle again and again, use todays drive and enthusiasm, to make it easier to achieve your goals over a long period of time. Set things up for when you dont feel quite so motivated.

First of all, decide what you really want to ultimately achieve, so that your efforts are focused. Then plan how you can achieve this. Find and book lessons with a teacher, if you havent done so already. Doing this today will commit you to weekly lessons where youll be given you something to work for. Youll also have someone else to monitor your progress.

Next, rearrange the room where you keep your Keyboard or Piano. Identify any problems with its current location which may be providing an excuse to stop practicing. Perhaps its in the same room as the television or something that causes distraction. Can it be moved? Maybe your practicing disturbs other members of your household. If you have an electronic Keyboard or digital Pi ano go out and buy some headphones. Maybe your Piano is covered in clutter and junk, sort it out so you can easily get to it and practice. Check that your stool is suitable and not causing you back pain. Make sure you have all the sheet music you need to hand, and organise it so you can easily find what you need.

Identify anything thats going to make it difficult to practice and eliminate it, so you can begin your practice sessions in ease and comfort everyday. This will be more productive than sitting down right now and playing your way to exhaustion.

Build up to good practice habits

The final task for today to plan when youre going to practice. Dont plan too much because youll never stick to it. Start small. Practice in short manageable chunks which you can then build on. Why not try practicing in the advert breaks of the TV shows you watch in the evening- so you only practice for three minutes at a time. You can fit short exercises into this time slot, a nd you wont be sacrificing anything else. Once you can manage this, then you could try scheduling 10 minute slots during the day.

Practicing in lots of little sessions is usually more effective than sitting down for an hour a day. Also, youll find if you play more often, then youll probably end up getting carried away and practice for longer anyway. Its better motivation for yourself if you aim to play for 5 minutes and actually do 7, then if you schedule 30 minutes but never get round to it at all.

Accept there are no real short cuts. Be prepared for some hard work.

Some times, you will need to keep practicing certain things over and over. Theres just no way round it. If your prepared for this from the outset, then you will be entering your challenge with the right frame of mind. Sometimes things will be time consuming, but simply knuckling down and getting through it will pay off in the long run.

This is different to practicing things with no real t hought. If you are working on a piece, identify sections that need the most work. Try not to over practice things that your already good at. If you keep your practice sessions focused, you will achieve much more.

Keep your goals clear- persevere at them.

To stay focused, make sure you are clear about why you wanted to learn Keyboard or Piano in the first place. What were your goals? To be able to play your favourite song well? To write songs and have a top- ten hit? To play carols with your family at Christmas? To pass grade five? To be in a position to help your children with their music studies? Whatever motivated you initially, dont forget it.

How about making a sign with your music goals written on it and keeping it on top of your Piano? That way, youll be reminded of your motivation every time you walk past it. If youve lost sight of what you wanted to achieve, youll find it difficult to get out of your rut.

If you keep focused on your goal and p ersistently work towards it, you will eventually achieve it.

Polly Powell runs a Keyboard and Piano tuition centre in Weston super Mare, UK. Her website is packed with ideas and resourses for current and potential Keyboard and Piano students around the world.


Author:: Polly Powell
Keywords:: Keyboard, Piano, music lessons, practice Piano, Advice, Piano lessons, learn Piano, learn Keyboard
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

How Do Piano Lessons Help Children Expand their Creative Potential?

Playing the piano is a wonderful activity for children because it not only provides hours of fun for kids, it utilizes all of the human creative processes. These include Seeing (visualization), Observing, Forming Analogies, Inverting, and Simplification. Effective piano lessons apply teaching strategies that utilize these processes to exercise students' creative abilities and expand their potential. Below are some examples of how this happens.

Visualization - What would it look like if I could do it?

Visualization is probably the most difficult creative skill to develop. Having a keyboard in the imagination, however, gives a powerful boost to students' playing ability. So it's worth it to work at developing this creative application. Here's a way young piano students can begin to literally draw on their mind's eye.

The piano has groups of two and three black keys. There are three white keys around each group of two black keys. Students close their eyes a nd pretend to draw, for example, two very large black keys in the air. Asking questions like these helps kids begin to see the keyboard in their mind.

Can you see the white key on the left of the two black keys? It's a C. Can you see the one on the right? It's an E. Can you see the white key in the middle of the two black keys? It's a D.

Over time visualization techniques help students develop a keyboard in their imaginations and begin to read notes as locations on the piano, interpreting the Grand Staff as a Map of the keyboard. In addition to hearing visualization is an important pArt of learning scales, chords, and playing and interpreting music.

Once students begin to develop their visualization muscles they can apply this creative skill to see the possibilities and imagine solutions in othe r areas of their life and education by asking,

What would a solution to this challenge look like?

Observation - Eureka! I've never noticed that before!

Observation is about carefully noticing the little things to find similarities and differences. For example, the difference between staccato and legato marks, or accents and tenutos, and listening to observe the differences. Piano students use their observational skills when they ask questions like these.

How are these notes the same? How are they different? Hey, is that a triplet or three eighth notes? Is this melody the same or new? Is it repeated anywhere in the music?

Piano students use the creative process of observation just as scientists do to find surprises in nature that were always there, waiting to be discovered, and by experimenting with different techniques and expressive ideas to find what works best in different styles of music.

Analogies - How Can I Gain Perspective/Change P erspective?

Analogies are helpful for gaining or changing perspective, and for making us laugh! Here are some examples of how analogies provide learning aids for young piano students. To play legato, pretend your fingers are an eeeentsy-weeensty spider. Curve the spider's legs and walk your fingers on the piano keys. To play staccato notes, imagine the piano keys are hot! Analogies are wonderful for helping students break through the mechanics of piano and bring the music to life in an interesting and creative way.

Inverting - How would this look if I turned it upside down?

Inverting affects perspective as well by turning things upside down, or by taking them to extremes. Einstein did this when he obsessed over a beam of light and discovered his theory of relativity. Like his theory of relativity, many things are hidden beyond our understanding as they're counter-intuitive to the logic of our first assumptions. I don't pretend to understand Einstein's theor y, but I know that Einstein also loved music and that many of the piano techniques students need to play well are indeed counter-intuitive. That's why students may resist them at first.

One way to break through our natural logic and bring other possibilities into view is by asking,

What would this look like if I turned it upside down?

Here's a creative suggestion I give students for polishing a recital piece when they'e having difficulty with the last section of a longer piece of music.

Play it backwards! Like this.

Play the last measure. Then play the last two measures, the last three, the last four, etc., all the way back to the beginning. Then play the song all the way through and see how it has improved. This is a great way for students to more thoroughly learn a piece of music.

Simplifying - I've seen this some place before?

Simplifying can yield creative solutions to difficult challenges by eliminating what is unnecessary. Ever try too hard? Here's a tip. Sometimes less is more. Before trying to re-invent the wheel, look back through history to see where this problem has been solved before by someone else, or by you.

Piano students can do this by asking,

Where have I seen this in music before?

How did I play it then?

What strategy can I use to break this down and make it easier?

What playing strategies has my piano teacher shown me that I can apply here?

Is there a book I could read to find out what other pianists have tried.

As a piano teacher I want to follow a creative plan that simplifies learning and achieves more positive results faster, even if I have to turn things up-side-down! And I have! Just as piano lessons for children increase their overall educational progress, the reverse is also true! Literature, visual Arts, and sciences can help children in piano lessons achieve their musical goals.

That's why I wrote the Piano Adventure Bears Stories - To help piano students expand their creative potential. These beautifully illustrated books use language, Art and science to help kids in piano see the possibilities, avoid frustrations, and create a plan for achieving their piano dreams.

My stories use all of the foundational creative skills I discussed above and more, because they feature the loveable and endearing characters Mrs. Treble Beary and her passionate, new student, AlbeArt Littlebud, who everyone calls Little Bear . You'll enjoy the time you spend reading these stories with your children as they laugh and learn from Little Bear's Piano Adventures.

For more information about Piano Adventure Bears Music Education Resources for children ages 5 to 11 visit Piano Adventure Bears Music Education Resources Youll find a treasure box filled with piano resources to create an exciting musical adventure for your child - right in your own home! Visit their website and subscribe to their free internet newsletter so you can download free piano sheet music and mp3s of original piano compositions.

These exciting stories, games, piano lessons, and inspirational gifts feature the Piano Adventure Bears, Mrs. Treble Beary and her new piano student, AlbeArt Littlebud. Young students follow along with AlbeArt to learn what piano lessons are all about in a fun way that kids readily understand appreciate. Click here to visit PianoAdventureBears.com For a wealth of information about piano lessons, visit tallypiano.com

Author:: Cynthia VanLandingham
Keywords:: beginner piano lessons,piano lessons for children,piano lessons for kids, children's piano books
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Used DJ Equipment

Used or previously owned equipment is an alternative to buying expensive original gear. Investing in genuine DJ equipment costs a bomb and this is a severe impediment to those who are planning to take up disc jockeying as a career but havent made the final decision yet. Essential pArts of the DJ equipment are turntables; CD, MP3 or DVD players; and sound mixers. Each of these pArts costs hundreds of dollars and can really set back the budget. However, the consolation is that all these pArts are available in used condition at lower rates and in fairly good qualities.

Most stores retail their used equipment online. There are also individuals who want to get rid of their old equipment and they advertise for them online. Internet advertisements for previously owned equipment contain the names of the equipment along with names of the makers and their versions. Features present with the gear are mentioned. It is considered ethical to mention the period for which the stuff has been in use and what kind of use it was light or heavy. Sometimes, pictures of the appliance are posted along with the advertisement.

Portals like eBay sell several items of used DJ equipment. There are various other websites like Birdland Music, Calibex, Tom Lee Music, Pro Mix, etc. which are dedicated only to selling new and used DJ equipment. Some of these websites require registration to buy and sell equipment. Funds are exchanged through wire transfer and transactions can b e either worldwide or local.

ApArt from online transactions, there are many music stores who stock used DJ equipment. Even peripheral components like headphones and speakers can be obtained at extremely low prices.

Sellers of used equipment usually tweak equipment before reselling them. This includes improvement of their quality as well as amelioration of their looks. This is called refurbishing the equipment and is a very common practice employed by used equipment sellers. Due to this, they can charge a few extra dollars from the second customer and earn their profit.

Buying used equipment is entirely at the buyers risk. In most cases, there are no guarantees and warranties, and it is made clear to the buyer that all liabilities are at their sole risk. Some store owners do not issue a receipt o f the sale. Even insurance companies shirk from covering used equipment. It must not be expected from used equipment that they would function for a long time.

However this is not true most of the time. Sometimes professional DJs keep selling their equipment and buying new ones whenever they are launched with additional features. Such equipment is rarely used and is almost as good as the original.

DJ Equipment provides detailed information on Buy DJ Equipment, Cheap DJ Equipment, Discount DJ Equipment, DJ Equipment and more. DJ Equipment is affiliated with Virtual DJs.

Author:: Richard Romando
Keywords:: Buy DJ Equipment, Cheap DJ Equipment, Discount DJ Equipment, DJ Equipment
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Christian Music Radio

Today, there are numerous radio stations all over the world playing Christian music for everyone to enjoy. There are those that play Christian music round the clock in major markets throughout America. Based on latest count, there are more than 1,500 Christian radio stations in the United States. Given the huge supply of radio stations serving the Christian community, the audience can expect some variations in each station's programming, as each tries to capture their target audience share.

The Christian music radio stations are generally classified as traditional and commercial.

Traditionally, the programs of Christian radio stations concentrate on conveying Christian messages in their music. The music is limited to gospel or worship, and the principal goal is to strengthen the faith of the listeners and attract non-believers by combining the power of God's words and music. As most of the traditional radio stations are owned or subsidized by Christian organiza tions, the concern for profit is clearly not emphasized. The traditional radio stations even conduct and support events within their ministry as a way of reaching out to their listeners. Some of the radio stations interject political news or talk shows in their programming to keep it more interesting.

The commercial Christian music radio stations are more selective in the type of Christian music they play. They opt to play the music of more popular Christian Artists in order to attract more advertisers. They tend to ignore new Artists that might not appeal to their listeners. The increase in advertising leads to a higher market value for the sta tion and greater profit growth. These radio stations play all kinds of current Christian music including folk, country, alternative, pop, rock and roll, punk, hip hop/rap or heavy metal.

Whether you are a traditional or a commercial Christian music listener, there is always a radio station that will satisfy your listening needs.

Christian Music provides detailed information on Christian Music, Christian Music Lyrics, Download Christian Music, Christian Sheet Music and more. Christian Music is affiliated with Southern Gospel Music.

Author:: Elizabeth Morgan
Keywords:: Christian Music, Christian Music Lyrics, Download Christian Music, Christian Sheet Music
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

My Personal Song Lyrics My Life Began The Day I met You

Life Began the Day I met You

How did I ever live my life without you,
Before you there was no light for my eyes to see
Without you, Love was just a word that had no meaning to me

Now you are the air that I breathe
The beat in my heart
Before you I couldn't see that my life had fallen apart
You are the reason the sun can brighten each day
Your Love is the path to find my way
Love has no seasons, or reasons why
I just knew my l ife began the day you looked into my eyes

You are my courage and strength
You carry my hopes and my dreams
Before you, there was no island
Not even a summers breeze
Without you, there was no purpose, not even a chance for me to believe

Now you are the air that I breathe
The beat in my heart
Before you I couldn't see that my life had fallen apart
You are the reason the sun can brighten each day
Your Love is the path to find my way
Love has no seasons, or reasons why
I just knew my life began the day you looked into my eyes

You are my first chance for Love I've never had
You reach my soul in ways that define the woman I am
Oh darling........

-Chorus- Now you are the air that I breathe
The beat in my heart
Before you I couldn't see that my life had fallen apart
You are the reason the sun can brighten each day
Your Love is the path to find my way
Love has no seasons, or reasons why
I just knew my life began the day you looked into my eyes

Copyright Sylvia Grgas

Sylvia Grgas is an independant song writer Find h er Lyrics at http://www.myjennarose.com.

Author:: Sylvia Grgas
Keywords:: Music, sheet Music, Lyrics, Poems, Love,
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Monday, July 30, 2012

How To Read Guitar Tabs An Introduction

Most guitarists are self-taught. They don't usually go through formal lessons learning scales and music theory... People like Jimmi Hendricks and Eric Clapton made all that stuff way too boring long ago. The average guitarist's self-taught nature may therefore explain why guitar tabs can sometimes be a bit of a mystery -- it's a bit too much like reading music. But that's not really the case. Let me show you how to read guitar tabs...

Guitar tabs are a form of written musical notation, but one that is strictly for guitar. Tabs have six horizontal lines, one for each string. StArting with the bottom line and working up to the top line, the lines represent the strings, E, A, D, G, B, and E like this:

E---2---------- (first or top string)



D---0--------- -



You will notice that there are numbers on the top three lines. This is how you would represent a chord. The numbers refer to the fret that the corresponding string is pressed down on. In this case, the second fret of the first, or top, string is depressed. Then the third fret of the second string, followed by the second fret of the third string. The last three lines all have the number zero in them. This indicates that these strings are all played open. So, in this example we would play a simple form of the chord, D major.

Having the numbers all stacked vertically means that the strings depressed on the corresponding strings are all to be played at the same time.

One of the major flaws of guitar tabs as a way of notating music is it's inability to properly convey rhythm and timing. This means that if you haven't heard the pArticular song or piece of music you are trying to play, it may be a bit like driving with your eyes closed.

There's much more to it than that, things like the letter h representing a hammer on, and b for string bends, and so on -- it gets complicated. If you're serious about learning how to read guitar tabs, you should find a good course to teach you.

John Coutts is an experienced author who writes on a variety of popular subjects. Did you find these tips useful? You can learn a lot more about how to read guitar tabs from this resource, http://www.reviewphase.com/guitArtabs.html

Author:: John Coutts
Keywords:: how to read guitar tabs
Post by History of the Computer | Compute r safety tips

Be Your Own DJ Digital Audio Processing Tools Overview

SoundEdit Pro

SoundEdit Pro is a digital audio editor for a user-friendly price. It's the perfect program for home studio recording and for people who are just getting started with audio editing. SoundEdit Pro provides an intuitive, easy-to-use interface and is designed for the everyday user. It has dozens of amazing audio effects and tools for converting audio files into different formats, including MP3, WMA, WAV, Ogg Vorbis and many others. It even includes the possibility to directly load audio tracks! And that's just the beginning of what you can do with SoundEdit Pro.

Audio Record Wizard 3

This sound recorder program is designed to work directly with your sound card, so can record almost all audio from your sound card at near-perfect quality. You can record sound from a microphone, line-in, and just about any other programs (such as winamp, realplay, windows media player and others). Direct to disk feature allows you to record sound without running out of memory. Audio Record Wizard can also record directly to the Mp3 format if you choose, saving you valuable disk space. You can select the different Mp3 recording modes as required.


AudioStreamer is the Internet radio receiver and recorder that lets you enjoy the thousands of radio stations available on the Internet. While listening to your favorite radio station, you can record any radio station you want, anytime! Browse through the radio stations, selecting a genre and the preferred b andwidth, and enjoy Internet radio! This Internet radio receiver also lets you search for stations by keywords, like 'top 40'! All radio recordings can be saved as individual tracks, and AudioStreamer automatically adds the correct MP3 tag to the recording.

Cool MP3 Splitter

There are three methods which you can employ to split your tracks - split by section, split by time and split by size. Whichever you choose to use, you should find it very useful for creating audio CDs from your collection, and you can break up live songs from a recording of a concert you may have into individual tracks. What's more, the Multi-Thread split technology that the splitter employs ensures that you can achieve the highest possible performance.

EZ-DJ Plus
http://ww w.deprice.com/ezDjplus.htm

Anyone can mix Music like a pro with EZ-DJ Plus. EZ-DJ Plus is a revolutionary program that lets anyone mix high quality DJ sets from MP3s, and have fun doing it! Use the beat-matched DJ Sets provided or import and mix your own MP3 Music files. EZ-DJ Plus lets Music lovers focus on the fun parts of mixing like scratching, cuts, fades, tricks, and other cool effects.

Former DJ John Deprice shares his secrets of professional Music mastering at http://www.deprice.com/audio.htm

Author:: John Deprice
Keywords:: DJ, Music, Mp3
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Karaoke Music Is A Great Way To Have Some Fun!

These days it isn't very difficult to find a karaoke bar. They've definitely grown in popularity in the past few years. Karaoke Music is a great way to have some fun!

Karaoke is a form of a Japanese word and means empty orchestra, which is rather appropriate don't you think? Karaoke has been around for more than 20 years now. It all stArted back in 1984 in Japan and it spread like wildfire around the globe.

Karaoke works by taking the music of a singer and the stripping out the vocals leaving just the music. Then the lyrics are displayed on a screen and a person sings the words using a microphone.

Karaoke has become popular in bars, restaurants, and in the home. It's a great source of Entertainment for anyone who loves music and likes to sing.

In the early days karaoke music was delivered by cassette but the times they are a changing and technology now means new means of delivery which include VCD's, CD's, DVD's and KTV boxes. It's never been easier to set up your own personal karaoke station to entertain your friends.

It's popularity continues to grow in North America and you know that we aren't about to settle for anything other than the best so stereo equipment combined with lighting effects and a real fun atmosphere became the norm in bars and restaurants that offered karaoke events.

And the music choices are endless. Hip hop, dance, rock and roll, pop, jazz, soul, and even hymns are all available. So no matter what type of music you love here's your chance to give it a try.

If you've never been to a karaoke pArty you don't know what your missing. Fun with a capital F! Some people are naturals, they grab the mike and the songs just naturally role out. Others have great voices and no practice, others think they can sing but ah hum. And then there are the timid who wouldn't perform to save their soul. A couple of drinks and suddenly they are boldly singing where no man has gone before. It's great!

Karaoke is catching on from the very young to the very old. And for the shy and timid who want to be a star behind closed doors, well it's never been easier. There are also those who want to improve their singing skills. Young kids love to sing their heArts out. Friends love to get to gether and have some fun.

You need to choose the right karaoke machines to fit your needs and your budget. There are many websites that provide equipment from the very simplest to the most expensive.

A basic karaoke machine has audio input and output. Higher end machines have electronic pitch control to help the singer and music match keys. You can also purchase software that will transform your computer into a karaoke box.

There are also many sights that offer karaoke music to download complete with lyrics. Some of these sites have some great forums too so be sure to check it out!

The next time someone asks you if you want to give karaoke music a try don't run away. Don't worry about being the laughing stock of the evening. Remember everyone's the same - no pros here. What a great way to relax after a busy day at work. And heck who knows you might be the next Elvis or Dolly PArton.

Nan worked in a karaoke bar for 9 years before stArting his own audio electronics store. His store specializes in karaoke machines and accessories and a much larger variety of items than almost all large depArtment stores. At http://www.karaokeadvisor.com , he shares his experience with you by listing out the top karaoke essentials with buying advice on various products.

Author:: Nan Edemann
Keywords:: Karaoke Music
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Song Demos How To Get Them Heard

By now youve probably read a myriad of articles with individuals who claim to have all of the answers and secrets to getting your songs heard and cut for a price of course. I will not claim to have all of the answers and neither will I promise you fame and fortune, but I will give you some solid advice as to how to get your songs heard. As a former talent booking agent with the William Morris Agency, I can attest to the number of individuals out there who really dont have a clue as to how to not only write and produce their song demos, but how to market their songs and themselves as viable acts. Lets look at some key ideas that Im sure will help you and hopefully further your writing career.

As we say at ReelMusician.com, a song worth hearing is a song worth hearing. Is your song that you are pitching worth hearing? I cant answer that, but you can. Its the obvious and we wont say any more other than that Make sure your song is worth hearing. Is your song tha t you want to get heard and ultimately cut, have marketing viability? Does your song have too narrow a niche where you are shorting yourself on possible acts and artists that can cut it? Dont adjust a great song just for pure marketing, but the odds are greatly increased with a more broad range of appeal. Are all of your songs starting to sound the same? Do you need a writing partner to broaden your song writing horizons? I am asking all of these questions to get you thinking and then I am going to head into the marketing department for a minute to see where you are at. You see, I cant possibly answer any of the above questions, because I havent heard your material, but if youre honest you can and will. Answering these questions is your first assignment.

Before I go on, you should know that as founder of ReelMusician.com, that we get an incredible amount of artist material. One of the biggest negatives, and believe me were out there to help you, but what many y oung artists do is submit a demo reel or press kit that is less than what I would ever recommend submitting. You cant submit fairly good or even pretty good material; it just has to sound like youve arrived. In todays music economy, where there is a computer, keyboard and mic in virtually any Songwriters home, you have got to know and recognize that not only is it more difficult to get a song cut because of pure volume of writers, but affordable recording has made it so that the number of and quality of song demos has increased dramatically. Now while I say that, you should also note that most writers arent in the ballpark of creating master quality demos, but because of the mere numbers factor alone, there are more quality demos and writers than before.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at ReelMusician.com. As a side note, we know that many of you are quite accomplished, while there are still most likely even more of you who could ut ilize our master quality song demos services and press kit writing services as well to further your career. Just visit us at ReelMusician.com for any help you might need and dont hesitate to email or call us.

In terms of your marketing abilities or lack there of, lets look at some real possibilities and venture out into the real world of pitching your material and how you will go about doing that. First off, how are you sending your material and to whom and what exactly are you sending? I will tell you that if your image and look to your material is not polished, then you will not be taken seriously. You cant be doing the hard to read, hand written letter to whom this may concern gig You have to look and act professional! You may want to invest in some inexpensive software to create professional and custom looking CD labels, letters, etc if you havent already. What is in your package that you are sending off? Realize that everyones time is limited, so only send what is relevant to this particular pitch. Sending all kinds of material usually gets you nowhere. How are you finding names to send your material off to? Are you unsolicited, sending this to a warm lead, or is this an individual waiting for your demo? Of course the later is best, but who can get an invitation these days? I tell you what though, that is what you ought to be aiming for. Have you contacted the road managers of the acts that you are sending your material to? Road managers, lighting individuals and other ancillary staff can really help get your songs listened to. A&R is a difficult road to go down. A&R directors are swamped number one and number two, they usually have a college intern sifting through the first round of material to minimize their wasted time.

So where do you pitch your material? As Ive just mentioned, it is easier to go through ancillary staff to the artists such as road managers, lighting and sound crew members and of course the artist managers than it is to go through A&R. What you need to know is that it is difficult to get a cut nowadays to begin with. Who usually gets the cuts? The artist, artists friends and/or the producers. Go ahead and look at album covers and see if this isnt true. Your job is not an easy one. Going through valid tip sheets and not just companies on the web looking to make money for their artist tip sheets is not a bad way to go, but you will have to find relevant and up to date tip sheets. These are not that easy to get a hold of. You will want to write with writers who have these connections or other musicians who do. You will want to spend a good deal of time researching and connecting the dots to folks who can help you without them feeling like theyre being used so be careful and be authentic in your relationships with others in the music field.

I wish we had more time in this article, but dont hesitate to drop us an email or call us should you have any questions about your songs or artist career.

Mr Gauger is a former talent booking agent with the William Morris Agency and founder of www.ReelMusician.com. You may contact the author at tgauger@Reelmusician.com. Free e-books The Jingle Singers Guide, and Secrets To Great Song Demos, may be downloaded at www.ReelMusician.com.

Author:: Tom Gauger
Keywords:: Songwriter, recording artists, studio singer, Vocal, jingle singers, Reelmusician.com, Vocals, Gigs
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Download Music Online: How to Legally Get Your Tunes

Recently the ability to download music online has reached fervor pitch in the media and with consumers. With recent controversy over whether or not music downloads are legal, it's important to understand what you are and are not allowed to do.

Music downloads can be a great way to build your audio library. With technology such as the IPod, as well as cell phones that store and play mp3s, the demand for legal ways to download music have grown in leaps and bounds.

The legal download of unlimited music for use on your computer, Ipod, or related technology can be fast, easy and fun. There are a wide range of affordable options available for today's online music customer. Here are just a few popular choices:

ITunes (apple.com/itunes): Powered by Apple, ITunes 6 bills itself as The best digital jukebox and #1 music download store according to the front page of its website. Designed to work in conjunction with the Ipod, ITunes offers a variety of choices to suit all consumer needs.

Kazaa (kazaa.com): Kazaa is a free peer to peer music downloading service. Kazaa claims to have virus protection installed, but caution should be taken when downloading from file sharing and distribution services such as this one. Risks aside, Kazaa is a leader in the free music downloads world.

Limewire (limewire.com): Another program that is very similar to Kazaa is Limewire. Touted as the fastest P2P file sharing program on the planet, Limewire offers consumers with proxy support, sleek easy-to-use interfacing, an integrated chat feature and much more.

Yahoo! Music (music.yahoo.com): Yahoo! Music offers an unlimited subscription service that allows you to save and play unlimited songs. For only 79 cents each, you can burn songs to cds. Yahoo! Music is an economical, safe choice from a leader in the industry.

Rhapsody (rhapsody.com): This music site offers legal access to millions of songs. Featuring a free two-week trial, Rhapsody costs only $9.99 a month after that. Offering additional features such as advertisement free radio and cool music sharing options, Rhapsody is an affordable option for music downloads.

Napster (napster.com): The original music sharing service that was the center of widespread controversy, Napster has retooled their service so you can download music legally and easily. Napster offers some good free services but in the long run, you will need to pay a small subscription fee to take advantage of all Napster has to offer.

The sites listed above are just a few of the choices available to consumers in the world of music downloads. Before downloading music, always read all the policies and information on the site you are using and make sure you're clear that what you are doing is safe and legal.

John Lester is CEO and owner of the acclaimed Internet consumer watchd og
site www.worldwidereviews.com.

Join the thousands who visit our site everyday to download music
without ever paying a download fee.

Author:: John Lester
Keywords:: download music, music downloads, download mp3s, download music online
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Reading Music Notes

Reading music notes look complicated and many people especially kids loose their interest thinking that it is too difficult. On the contrary, at least the basics of reading music can be grasped quite easily with a certain amount of perseverance. Of course it needs a little effort at the inception but once you get used to reading the scores, reading music notes would be as easy as reading any nursery rhymes.

What is a Clef?

A clef is a musical symbol that is placed at the beginning of the staff. It determines the letter names of the lines and spaces. Treble clef and the bass clef are the two main clefs. In most contemporary sheet music you will see the music will be written on either the treble clef staff or the bass clef. The treble clef consists of notes that are higher in pitch than the bass clef. A staff is made up of five horizontal lines and four spaces. The pitches are named after the first seven letters of the English alphabet (A B C D E F G).

How to play different notes:

One should be able to differentiate between the duration of the notes. This is where the importance of the values of notes comes in. Each note may have a specific length on its own. And each kind of note has a different symbol assigned to it. It is important to know the tempo otherwise a small mistake in a count may mess up the whole piece. The different kinds of notes are the whole note, the half note, the quArter note, the eighth note and the sixteenth note.

To play a whole note in the time signature of 4/4 it would have to be played and held for the duration of 4 beats. Half notes in 4/4 time would be held for half of the bar or two of the 4 beats of the bar. Each half note would be played for the duration of half of the bar. QuArter notes in 4/4 time would be held for 1/4 of the length of a bar. The proper way to count quArter notes in 4/4 time is 1 for the 1st quArter note, 2 for the 2nd, 3 for the 3rd and 4 for the 4th. Eighth notes are half the length of quArter notes and the sixteenth notes are half the length of the eighth notes.

The meter is given at the beginning of the staff after the clef. The meter or time signature in a musical piece is indicated by a fraction. The lower number of the fraction tells what kind of note receives one beat. The upper number tells how many beats are in a measure. The majority of the contemporary rock and pop music is written in the 4/4 time signature.

Learning music is fun and can be quite relaxing also. With a little perseverance you can learn any instrument you want. Dont be intimidated by the symbols of the different notes. Once you learn the basics it wont take you much time to get to that point when you would be able to play any song by just looking at the notes. So enjoy your journey in music land!

Jeff Meier of Jam727 Enterprises at http://www.Jam727.com offers a variety of product and information web sites. Learn to read music at http://www.musicnotereading.com and enjoy learning about music.

Author:: Jeffrey Meier
Keywords:: how to read music, learn to read music
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Drum Sticks

Drumsticks are used to hit percussion instruments. These are ideal for marching bands, orchestral work, jazz and rock bands.

Usually made from hard maple, oak, hickory or ebony wood, a typical Drumstick is approximately 16.3 inches in length, 0.635 inch in diameter and has a round tip. Beginners, Intermediates, advanced, expert and professional players all use Drumsticks. Most professional drummers are particular about the weight, shape, balance, size, grain and density of the sticks. Thick, heavy sticks are used to play street Drums in marching bands and drum corps. They can produce a high quality sound.

A typical Drumstick has a tip, shoulder, shaft and butt. The tip, also referred to as bead, is the top-most part that strikes the drum. Traditionally, the tip is made of the same hard wood as the rest of the stick. Drum sticks with plastic nylon tips are also available. Tips come in many shapes -- round, barrel, acorn or oval. Below the tip is the shoulder of the stick. It is used to strike crash cymbals. The remaining part of the stick is known as the shaft, and the butt is immediately below the shaf t and opposite to the tip.

Available in pairs, you can select from a wide range of colors such as metallic red, metallic silver, black, metallic green, metallic wine red and metallic blue. Colorful sticks with metallic logos are great for live performances.

Electronic drum sticks have built-in speakers and pre-recorded tunes. When they hit any surface, they create a unique, crashing sounds. A cool red LED (Light Emitting Diode) is placed at the tip of each Drumstick. Using these drum sticks, you can create fine music without a full set of Drums. Electronic Drumsticks are very popular among kids who love the sounds they produce.

Drums provides detailed information on Drums, Drum Sets, Steel Drums, Custom Drums and more. Drums is affiliated with Electronic Drum Sets.

Author:: Marcus Peterson
Keywords:: Drums, Drum Sets, Steel Drums, Custom Drums
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Legal Music Download Sites vs. P2P File Sharing

This article compares the diFFerences between legal music download sites VS File sharing networks.

1) Music Files available For download:

The P2p File sharing networks heavily out number the legal music sites when it comes to the amount oF Files available For download. A P2p application provides millions oF unlimited Mp3 music Files, while a legal music download site provides legitimately licensed music Files in the hundreds oF thousands.

2) The cost oF downloading music:

You can download P2p File sharing networks For Free, or For a very cheap one-time Fee. A legal music download site is usually either subscription-based or pay-per-download. A legal site will also usually charge extra For the abili ty to rip or burn music.

3) Variety oF Files available For download:

A legal music site mainly provides ONLY music Files For downloading. A P2p application gives you, besi des music Files, Full movie, game, video, soFtware, TV show and ring-tone Files to download as well.

4) Legal Issues & Controversy:

Legitimate legal music download sites are completely Free oF controversy and 100% legal to use. P2p File sharing networks, while legal, are not without lawsuit concerns and controversy due to how the File sharing technology can be used.

IF you choose to use a P2p File sharing program, there are potential risks you need to be aware oF, including:

Lawsuit Risks - Peer to peer File sharing networks have been ruled legal in a court oF law. However, iF you download and share copyrighted material you could risk becoming targeted, and possibly sued, by the RIAA (Recording Industry Association oF America).

Virus And Privacy Risks - In using a File sharing application, you risk the possibility oF installing harmFul spyware, viruses, worms and malware on your computer. And iF that's not bad enough, many P2p applications also leave you exposed to online hackers and identity thieves that can steal you personal inFormation.

Legal Music Download Sites VS P2P File Sharing - Summary:

At First glance the P2p File sharing networks may seem to oFFer an easy way to get unlimited Free File downloads. But remember, nothing is really Free and this is especially true with the P2p File sharing applications. The File sharing programs come with a price oF increased privacy and security threats, and potential RIAA lawsuit risks.

The legitimately licensed music sites, that provides downloads oF music legally licensed From the recor d labels and artists themselves, are the only way to get saFe and legal music downloads online.

Article by Anna Rowe, webmaster oF 1st Free Music Download.com that provides music download site reviews and quality online music download solutions. Sign-up For a Free Mp3 mini-course that details critical Facts about downloading music online.

Author:: Annette Rowe
Keywords:: music download,Free music downloads,download online music,legal music download,legal music,P2p,Mp3,F
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Ticket Scaplers Toby Keith Concerts and the Law

Thinking about buying Toby Keith tickets online? Don't get taken to the cleaners...basic tips on how to avoid problems with ticket sellers and the law.

Tip #1 When possible, buy from a reputable agent. That goes without saying. First, go to a place like Ticketmaster, type in your desired Artist in the search bar. They will give you a list of places and events in the area you want.

Depending on location, you'll see different ticket options. For example, at the Pensacola Civic Center, Pensacola, FL- Tody Keith, you have these options listed below. Copy them, this will give you an idea what the base price is. Just because Main Floor is listed doesn't mean it's available.

---Ticket Options----




---Ticket Options----

These are your best prices you'll may find.

Tip #2 Buy Early. The early bird does gets the worm

Tip #3 When there isn't much time, try Ebay.

Now if you decide to go the ebay route, here are some helpful tips: Try to buy from someone who knows the area, if possible. They may know the best seats, motel and hotels, and rental car deals. Check their feedback closely (the number next to their user name a) )

b) You'll pay more on ebay. Absolutely. Get the quality seats, know exactly where your seats are. Don't pay double for 'nosebleed seats' way up top.

Be safe, on my website is a link to the rules for ticket sales in every state. It covers the buyer or seller, in or out of state purchases, and the regulations for each state.

Robert Harper owns Harper's Distribution in El Paso, Texas. Robert writes, I 'm a country music fan, and I love talking and writing about country music. Sometimes I find really juicy news (especially if it involves money) and I'll blab it to the whole world. Website: http://www.top-country-songs.com

Added Note: Perhaps you have a passion for music. Discover how to turn it into a profitable Web site like Robert has. Visit http://passion.sitesell.com to learn more.

Author:: Robert Harper
Keywords:: Ticket Scaplers, Toby Keith Concerts
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Neil Young Prairie Wind Review

It is really hard to find a Musician with such a large and admired discography as Neil Young. Since the late 60s, the Canadian has released more than 40 albums, many of them as memorable as the Harvest, the Rust never sleeps or the Freedom. But, at age 60, Young is still at his best, as he shows in his last album, Prairie Wind.

After a series of doubtful albums that culminate in the criticised Are you passionate? (2002) many Music critics and fans think that Neil Young was finally in his decadence. But then Young surprises the Music world realising the epic Greendale (2003), Musically interesting and conceptually admirable: emulating the best Steinbeck, Young invents an entire town in his loved California, and, focusing in the Green family, give free rein to values such as Freedom, Peace and Ecolo gy that he has been defended since the late sixties. To complete this particular revived, in 2005 Young delighted his fans with the excellent Prairie Wind, with no doubt his best work of the last 10 years.

With the release of the Prairie Wind, Young return to his personal Folk-Rock style he showed in the early 70s, with two top-quality albums that catapulted him to the stardom: After the gold rush (1970) already fulfilled all the main elements that characterize the particular Youngs Universe: complex, suggestive verses with smart deal of surrealism, a brilliant Musical accompaniment, and the unmistakable Youngs nasal voice over all them. Nevertheless, the success of this album can not be compared with the Harvest (1971), released the following year, and considered by many (not by me) as his masterwo rk. This album includes the wonderful single Heart of Gold -considered by many fans as Youngs greatest song- which gave Young his first n 1 in the USA. Prairie Wind is Youngs most essential album since the release of the Harvest Moon in 1992.

The album opens with The painter, a nice, classic, melodic Young song about a female painter, and continues with No wonder, where Youngs values that we commented are evident in lyrics as Somewhere a senator sits in a leather chair / Behind a big wooden desk / The caribou we killed mean nothing to him / He took his money just like all the rest The third song, Falling off the face of the Earth, continues this accoustic series.

In Far from home, Youngs piano begin to shines, and it is more evident in Its a dream, arguably the albums most beautiful song. Wi th its reflective lyrics and beautiful piano sound the song will make Youngs fans to remember songs as Heart of gold or the more recent Western hero. This is the song that woull probably find yourself singing after the album ends Its a dream, only a dream

In the song entitled Prairie Wind the piano dissapear, and the accoustic guitar takes the main role. Here for you is a beautiful song that will make you remember From Hank to Hendrix, one of Youngs most loved songs. The old guitar is one of the most personal songs in the entire album, with Youngs nasal voice accompanied by a very listenable chorus.

In He was the King Young sings about the King, you know, Elvis Presley, as he did in one of hist most famous songs, Hey,hey; my, my (the King is gone but is not forgotten) although the style is very different, and the album closes with When God mades me, an intimal, reflective song about life, God, and Faith

The Art Wolf
theArt Wolf.com is an original, independent web page about Art and the Art world

Author:: A. Wolf
Keywords:: Neil,Young,NeilYoung,Prairie,Wind,Folk,Rock,Music,Canadian,Harvest
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Double CD Jewel Cases

The double CD jewel Case, as the name suggests, can store two CDs at a time. With the double CD jewel case, CD owners are assured that the CDs place inside will be neatly stored, separately.

The CDs placed inside the double CD jewel case can be guaranteed to be free from scratches and exposure from harmful materials, thus CD shelf life is much longer. CDs will also perform better and will function more effectively.

The double CD jewel case is convenient, especially for information that needs to be stored together. CDs are easily kept and conveniently carried from one place to other. CDs are secured and protected at the same time.

The double CD jewel case falls under the standard type of CD jewel case. (The other type is the slim CD jewel case.)

Among the double CD jewel cases that are exported and manufactured are the Premium CD Jewel Case Graphite Tray; the Premium CD Jewel Case Black Tray Assembled, which is already assembled with a black tray; t he CD Jewel Case Black Tray Unassembled, which includes empty cases and a black tray; the CD Jewel Case with Clear or White Tray Assembled, which has a 3-piece arrangement with removable tray; and the CD Jewel Case with Clear or White Tray Unassembled, which has a 3-piece arrangement with removable tray. All are clearly clean (without scratches and spots), strong and sturdy, able to lodge in booklets and other inserts and all are shipped in 200s with inside Styrofoam boards and air cells.

CD Jewel Cases provides detailed information on CD Jewel Cases, Double CD Jewel Cases, Slim CD Jewel Cases, CD Jewel Case Covers and more. CD Jewel Cases is affiliated with Printable CD Covers.

Author:: Josh Riverside
Keywords:: CD Jewel Cases, Double CD Jewel Cases, Slim CD Jewel Cases, CD Jewel Case Covers
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Music Distribution Deals Facts You Should Know Before Signing

With the escalating progression of music technology in the last decade, mainland CD stores are continuing to decline in popularity, as the trendy demand for digital music downloads continues to crush them further into the archives of history. Claiming more than half of the globes music buying audience, Digital Music Distribution is the predominant method of music marketing the world offers us today.

More and more musicians are appearing on the scene with highly polished albums, mostly produced entirely under their own steam. They have become resourceful singular empires, holding sole rights and authenticity as unconstrained producers and marketing agents of their own products. These musicians are ready to take the world by storm by hooking themselves up with one of the many distribution companies currently available.

But as an independent musician, what are you really signing up to in a distribution deal?

Many digital distributors offer musicians the chan ce to have their music available on many of the popular and esteemed music selling outfits; Apple iTunes being one of the most popular playgrounds for current music consumers. But whilst they might promise to get your music on the right path, how is it going to be found amongst the billion other Artists competing for sales? Consider that most main stream Artists have many more dollars poured into their advertising and marketing personas than the unsigned musician could ever afford. Major acts are funded by major pockets ensuring the best chance of sales.

One answer to this is that many unsigned musicians feel that by simply having their music ma de available alongside mainstream Artists is a boost to their credibility, affording them and their music a much higher distinction. It is certain that a good deal can grant your music a triumphant victory if you manage to populate vintage music selling sites. Your only subsequent aim is to actually make sales on them. Otherwise what is the purpose after all?

Deals, terms and conditions vary from business to business, so it is worth looking around and researching which type of distribution method is right for you. There are many worthy deals, and probably just as many scams, circulating the information highway.

If you are thinking of accepting a distribution deal, before signing the dotted line it is important to ask questions such as:

Does the deal include any publicity or promotional advantage s to the Artist?

Are there any payments I must make, statutory, collective or otherwise?

What percentage of royalties will I receive, and how are payments handled?

Can I be provided with an estimation of how profitable your distributive methods are?

What are my rights in terminating the contract?

Am I solely responsible for tax declarations on my net income?

Other things you must check before signing are the exclusivity terms. These could greatly inhibit your freedom. Does a deal involve licensing your music digitally (via preferred online formats) or does the deal also include physical sales? Some are highly exclusive in nature whilst others give you rights to proceed with marketing your music via other channels.

Bear in mind that many reputable and authorised distributo rs, such as CDBaby for one, will not allow an Artist to exploit other distribution channels, as the two pArties run the risk of putting your music on the exact same sites. A hassle major retailers and distributors can do without, and an understandable clause too.

You must read the terms of an agreement in full. It is absolutely essential that you fully understand what is expected from you as well as what is being offered!

Here is a cautionary example:

A music distribution site currently offers a deal for both digital and physical music sales, (the terms of agreement are publicly available for download on the site).

The site app ears to charge $99.99 as a one off payment. Upon checking their terms of agreement however, it states:

After one year of promotion, we may archive, remove and/or suspend your Works from the Service without terminating this Agreement.

What then if the agreement is still in place but your work is no longer made available on their site?

You may pay an annual fee, which is to be determined, to insure that your Materials are not archived, but displayed and offered for sale after the first year of Service.

So if you refuse to pay this annual fee, the site still holds all rights to license and sell your music as expressed in the agreement you already signed!

This is not necessarily wrong but is it what you want? Always check the small print and read any agreement thoroughly. As a general rule be wary of sites that ask you to pay for distributing your music. On the basis that a site's marketing strategies were fruitful, and they believed that your mus ic is good enough to reap a profit, why would they be asking you to pay them in advance? Suffice to say that not all sites that request payment from an Artist deliver an unsatisfactory service. Speak to other Artists whose music is being distributed and see how the deal is working for them. If something doesnt sound quite right in any deal, double check with the distributor. If you still receive an insufficient response, you can always seek a legal opinion. But if you are really in doubt, perhaps youre better off without!

If you are marketing your music through a label they should be sufficiently taking care of your interests. A reputable label with ensure that all terms in a distribution setting are clear and fair to all pArties involved. Being pArt of an honest label is often a good way to relieve yourself from some of the finer pressures attached to direct schemes. They will of course also expect a cut of the profits but will often have a good degree of interest in maintaining their own Artists affairs in an appropriate manner. If the Artist is happy the label thrives upon its good reputation, and its integrity towards its Artists.

Despite the odds, sales margins have increased for thousands of unsigned musicians, simply because of the greater variety of marketing mediums available. You can not only market your music yourself, but allow others to do it for you. The more places your music is available the higher your chances are of achieving sales. But as with any enterprise, money and profit is the primary goal, and therefore you should proceed with caution before handing your personal work over to anyone.

There are many reputable distributors, who promise to do the job and actually deliver what they stated. But, as with everything in life, there are those that you would rather not be involved with. So research as many as possible, and ask as many questions as you see fit. After all, a year is a long time to get stuck in a deal you later realised doesnt quite work for you! Not only would a bad deal cause you much frustration in its limitations, but could also undermine your confidence in pArticipating in future marketing opportunities.

Carla is a musician and freelance writer with over ten years experience in the music industry. She currently manages independent music label Melodrift Productions, and is the Editorial Assistant for music news site http://www.indienewslive.com. For more Article samples and detailed information on Carla's career please visit http://www.carla-acheson.co.uk

Author:: Carla Acheson
Keywords:: Digital Distribution Deals, Music Distribution, Digital Distribution Contracts
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Piano Tabs Who Needs Them?

As a Piano player you have three choices available to you for learning; these are, note reading, Piano tabs, and chord-based approach.

Most students who use Piano tabs do so because they want to avoid the note reading approach altogether. They just want to be able to quickly play their favorite tunes without having to invest a substantial amount of time learning Musical notation. These same students would be able to learn the Piano even quicker if they learned a chord-based approach first. Here's why.

It's Quick. Guitar players know this. They don't spend months learning note reading but dive into chord playing right away. In fact, guitarists may be the only Musicians who do this on a regular basis - hence the popularity of this instrument. Within just a few minutes, they have learned their first chord and are off enjoying Music. Pianists can also learn this approach but usually don't because they either don't know about it, or think it's too difficult. They think they must learn sophisticated Jazz voicing or some other complicated harmony first. Nope. A Piano player can quickly create Music as fast as the guitarist and all it takes is just rudimentary knowledge of a few chords.

It's Easy. How hard is it to place your fingers on a chord? It's actually easier for the pianist to do this than the guitar player. There are no steel strings to hurt the fingers. No need to press down on the fretboard. Just place your fingers on a chord, depress the keys, and voila - a Piano chord. In fact, you can be playing and creating modern sounding Music much easier than the guitar player. Especially if you use the open position chord. Here we have a modern sound that uses both hands to full capacity. And it's easy!

Don't waste your time learning Piano tablature. Learn chords instead. That way, you'll be able to sound more professional in less time than practically any other method!

Edward Weiss is a pianist/composer and webmaster of Quiescence Music's online Piano lessons. He has been helping students learn how to play Piano in the New Age style for over 14 years and works with students in private, in groups, and now over the internet. Stop by now at http://www.quiescenceMusic.com/Pianolessons.html for a FREE Piano lesson!

Author:: Edward Weiss
Keywords:: Piano tabs,Piano tab,Piano lessons,chord Piano,Piano,Music
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

How Do I Record And Create MP3s From Home?

There used to be no substitution for a good recording job done in a professional recording studio. Now with the rising popularity of digital PC recording and the low cost of recording software, many people are re-thinking the idea of home recording. Plus with the ease of MP3 distribution, and the many sites that offer free web hosting and the ability to upload and download free music, the difficulty of promoting and distributing your bands MP3s has been made very easy. The questions at hand are, what do I need to begin recording at home, how do I turn my recordings into MP3s, and what do I do with said MP3s after I am done creating them?

Home recording on a PC requires just a couple of things; a computer, recording software (i.e. Pro Tools, Cakewalk, Cubase), and a digital soundcard. If you will be recording multiple tracks from multiple sources at the same time, you might want to invest in a mixer as well. (This is assuming that your sound card only has one audio in put) This will allow you input more than one instrument/microphone to your computer at the same time. Install your recording software and sound card drivers. Plug your mixer into your sound card, plug your instruments into your mixer and youre ready to begin recording. The recording process may be a little different depending on what software you are using, but most decent software comes with a good instruction manual which you can consult if you are having problems. After recording, you will want to mix all tracks down to a stereo audio .wav file.

Now that we have our recording done and our .wav file in hand, well want to convert it to an MP3 file. If you will be burning your tracks to CD, you wont need to convert it to an MP3 file. But for distribution for music downloads on the web, the smallest, best quality, most universally accepted format will be an MP3 file. You can take your .wav file and export it as an MP3 through whatever audio recording program you use. Mo st recording software offers that option, but keep in mind that you might need to mess with the output settings to get the best quality MP3 out of your program. Another option is to use a stand-alone .wav to MP3 converter. If you go to download.com and search for .wav to .Mp3 converter, you will be presented with a good list of programs that do just that. I have had good results using both methods, so its really up to you.

Once you have your MP3 files, you can set-up your own website and offer free music downloads. Or you can go to one of the many sites that offer free web hosting for musicians, so that the musicians will have a place to offer downloadable music MP3s, music videos, and music lyrics. Sites like, DiskFaktory Jams and Section Z are both free and have other tools for musicians to access, like m essage board forums and internet radio stations. Once you have your recording done, the possibilities are endless!

Jason Cole and DiskFaktory Jams offer great tools and a cool place to hang out for musicians. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting DFJams

Author:: Jason Cole
Keywords:: downloadable music, Mp3, free Mp3 downloads, download free music, music lyrics, message boards
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Play Piano As Fast As Possible!

One of the rules of practicing we all hear over and over is Be sure to practice slowly. (I'm guilty of this too!) Often the result of this is a feeling of inhibition, which leads to tedium. Picture yourself filled with excitement and yearning in setting out to learn a new piece. Suddenly a voice from the darkness whispers: Don't touch those keys! Sit erect, play slowly, stay strictly in time, watch that fingering... and your smile is gone. I'm beginning to feel a cramp just talking about it.

The fact is, a certain amount of slow practice and attention to small scale detail is absolutely necessary. But there is something lacking in the approach so many of us have taken; we set out to make music, and end up playing what amounts to no more than a series of sterile exercises.

How can we overcome this problem?

First of all, it's important to remember that music comes to life through shading, dynamics, differences in touch, the shapes of its phrases, the rhythmic vitality that is so much a pArt of the right tempo. These qualities are all missing in a slow, rigid practice version of a piece. They are just as essential as correct fingering, and they don't come across without careful work.

So, perhaps we should change that rule from Be sure to practice slowly to Practice as fast as possible. But Wait! This requires some further discussion. The slow pArt of practice helps teach the fingers where to go, and makes it mush easier to learn the work. But in order to learn how to create music, how to make the piece singwe must practice it at a tempo that will help reveal musical relationships and s ubtleties of form.

Pianists must have the opportunity to experiment with touch and phrasing while practicing, and there is little chance of boredom when so many exciting elements are introduced to the practice session.

In my E-book, I've included many basic exercises with background music to assist you in acquiring this level of keyboard performance. In other words, you will be practicing with other instrumentalists. You will hear the drums, bass and an unobtrusive piano accompaniment that provides a harmonic blanket for YOU to practice your course material!

Ideally, then, both ways of practicing should be used!

First, we should practice slowly enough to learn the notes and fingerings. Then, we should practice as fast as possible; that is, as fast as we can without losing control of the basics we learned in slow practice.

Here' how this would work. Take a short pArt of the piece; you might choose a four- or eight-measure phrase. Practice it slowly. When you feel comfortable with the music, increase the tempo. Don't wait until you've practiced the entire work slowly. In this way, at each sitting you'll get to learn a little section, bring it up to tempo, and feel into what is needed to bring it to life.

At the next sitting, work on the next four or eight measure. When you have that section brought up to tempo, combine it with the first section. Now, you will begin to understand how the phrases relate to each other. You can introduce the idea of dynamic shading and decide which lines to bring out at a given moment. In fact, you will be making real, exciting musiceven before you've learned the whole piece!

As you go on in this way, you will probably change your mind about how to play the work as new sections are added. This is pArt of the process of discovery and experimentation. Concert Artists are always re-interpreting, because they think about these elements all the time.

So play as slowly as you need to; but as fast as you are able!

I wish you the best of success.

Ron Worthy http://www.mrronsmusic.com/playpiano.htm

Copyright 2005 RAW Productions

Ron Worthy is a Music Educator, Songwriter and Performer. He provides online piano instruction for all ages at: http://www.mrronsmusic.com/playpiano.htm

Author:: Ron Worthy
Keywords:: play piano, play piano online, learn to play piano,
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