Sunday, May 15, 2011

Was Kurt Cobain Murdered?

On the 8th of April 1994 Kurt Cobain the lead singer of the band Nirvana was found dead in his home in Seattle, USA. Electrician Gary Smith found him with a shotgun wound to the face and he had taken a massive overdose of heroin at about 9:00 am that morning. It was believed that Kurt had died around about the 4th or 5th of April. Suspicions first arose questioning whether Kurt actually did commit suicide when Rosemary Carroll, a lawyer and good friend of both Kurt and his wife, Courtney Love spoke out about how suspicions of Kurts death being a murder and that Kurt had once told her he wasnt suicidal.

A private investigator that worked for Courtney Love called Tom Grant decided to look further into these claims and after 8 months of searching for evidence, collecting statements and doing a lot o f research Grant came to the conclusion that Kurt Cobain was murdered.

Tom Grant had searched Kurts Seattle home with his partner Carlson the day before he was found dead however he didnt check the room above the garage which Kurt called the greenhouse which was where Kurt was found dead. At this time Grant didnt even know that this room existed. Grant also found out that the familys male nanny Michael Cali Hewitt had stayed at the house with Kurt that week and Hewitt even admitted to it. When Grant had searched the house he noticed that Hewitt had left his TV on and his bed unmade almost as if he had left in a hurry. Hewitt had left the house that day with out Grant even seeing him.

When Grant and Carlson later searched the house, this time also not searching the greenhouse, he found a note on the stairs that suggested that Kurt had been trying to avoid Hewitt while they were both at the house that week. However Grant thought it might have been a fake letter mad e out so Grant would think that Hewitt had trying to be in contact with Kurt.

The next day was the day Kurt was found dead. Grant had heard on the radio that Kurts body was found in the greenhouse. Grant asked Carlson why they never searched there and Carlson replied, It's just a dirty little room. I think they keep some lumber in there or something. Grant also found out that Kurts credit cards had been stopped that morning which he found weird as Kurt must have been dead at least three days by then.

The events leading up to Kurts death and the mysterious way of which Kurt died all pointed towards the suggestion that Kurt Cobain was intentionally killed. Grant also came to a conclusion that Courtney Love and Michael Hewitt were the main suspects in this case due to all the evidence he collected.

About a month before Kurts death Courtney Love found him unconscious in a hotel room. They had been arguing the day before and had drunk a lot of champagne and Kurt had taken an overdose of Rohypnol a drug, which Courtney had been taking the day before. Whether this was an early suicide attempt by Kurt or an early murder attempt by Courtney is yet to be uncovered however, either way it left Kurt in a 20-hour coma.

At the scene of Kurts death the shotgun that Kurt allegedly shot himself with had no signs of fingerprints on it even though Kurt didnt wear gloves. Also the pen in which he used to write his suicide note and the box of shotgun shells also turned up with no fingerprints on them at all. Tom Grant found this suspicious and his conclusion was that the scene had purposely been swept clean.

Grant also knew that Courtney had taken an overdose earlier that week and was hospitalised. This felt very suspicious to Grant. It wasnt the first time Courtney had gone in to hospital due to an overdose. Grant felt the timing was just right to use as an alibi. Maybe she thought if she were in hospital no one would suspect her. Howe ver she could have easily have gotten someone else to murder Kurt such as Michael Hewitt.

Tom Grant also analysed the suicide note that was found at the scene of Kurts death. The last four lines of the suicide note seemed very suspicious to him as they were written in what seemed a different style of handwriting. After looking at it closer he came to the conclusion that it was very much like Courtneys handwriting he particularly noticed that the Ps and the Fs were identical to those of Courtneys. The note may not actually be a suicide note at all. It was long rumoured that Kurt was leaving the music business and that his band Nirvana were going to break up. It was also rumoured that Kurt was planning to leave and he was also intending on filing for a divorce with Courtney. The note could just as eas ily have been a goodbye note to Courtney as much as a suicide note.

Eldon Hoke the lead singer of a band called The Mentors who is also known as El Duce stepped forward and told the police that in December 1993 Courtney had offered him $50,000 to murder Kurt Cobain. El Duce later took a lie detector test in which he was asked whether Courtney Love did ask him to murder Kurt Cobain and was he offered $50,000 for the job. The results came out with 99.9% score towards the truth. However once again Courtney got away with it.

The case had never been taken much further as Grants evidence has never been enough to clearly suggest that Kurt was murdered just a lot of question marks over Courtneys and Hewitts actions and reactions around the time of Kurts death. Whether Kurt was murdered or not may never be discovered but what was discovered is that there is more evidence pointing towards a murder than a suicide but it is not sound enough. The fact is that Kurts death shou ld have been investigated better.

Author:: Craig Randall
Keywords:: Kurt,Cobain,Nirvana
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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