Friday, May 27, 2011

Piano Lesson: How To Improvise The Classical Piano Way

Is it possible to improvise on the Piano in a classical manner? This Piano lesson will help you find out how to cultivate this art and the benefits you reap as a pianist!

Jazz Piano improvising is an established art nowadays and much have been written on how to develop improvisational skills in this area.

What about classical Piano improvisation?

Many of the methods used for learning jazz Piano improvisation can be applied in classical Piano improvisation as well.

Many composers like Johann Sebastian Bach, W.A. Mozart, Felix Mendelssohn, Frdric Chopin and others were actually more famous for their improvisational skills during their lifetime.

Personally I have tried to develop this skill and I find it very enjoyable to improvise with classical Piano pie ces as a basis for creative trips.

I love to improvise in the style of classical composers trying to find myself somewhere among the notes. These special moments are a form of meditation. They clear my mind and also helps me as a composer to stimulate my creative abilities.

The most important reason for developing this skill is that it is fun and very enjoyable. If you learn classical Piano improvisation you will benefit from it in many other ways too:

1. It will be easier for you to memorize classical Piano sheet music as you will become more aware of what happens when you press down the Piano keys.

2. You will find it easier to compose your own Piano pieces in a classical Piano style.

3. You can make up your own technical exercises on your Piano on the go.

4. You will understand your Piano better.

There are many ways to develop your skill in classical Piano improvisation. Let's see!

1. As soon as you have learned a Piano scale try to use it by creating improvised melodies while playing chords or patterns with the other hand.

2. When you learn new chords try to create patterns to play with your left hand as you play improvised melodies with your right hand. A common easy left hand pattern is with the chord C:


3. As you learn to play new classical Piano compositions try to memorize beautiful or exciting passages in these compositions and play around with them and try to modify them and improvise over them.

4. Try to create classical melodies at the Piano without stopping. In order to learn to improvise classical music you have to practice just that - To improvise classical Piano music.

The most basic requisite in order to develop the skill of classical Piano improvisation is that you want to learn this art and with this desire you will find ways to practice this art in all your Piano playing.

Peter Edvinsson is a musician, composer and music teacher. Visit his site Capotasto Music and download your free sheet music and learn to play Piano resources at

Author:: Peter Edvinsson
Keywords:: Piano, learn to play Piano, Piano lesson, Piano improvisation, classical Piano
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