Saturday, May 28, 2011

Learning How to Play the Guitar is Pretty Darn Easy!

Why Learn to play the Guitar? Well, as a youngster, I wanted fame fortune and lots of woman throwing themselves at my feet. I had this idea that if I could become a famous lead Guitarist, then the world would be my oyster. Then I grew up and the fantasy looked as though it was going to remain just that. A fantasy! However, although Im no Musical guru, I did Learn to play the Guitar and it was probably the finest recreational activity I have ever undertaken.

The Guitar, like most Instruments, is best mastered if the Learner starts young. It can be quite an easy Instrument if the budding Musician just wants to Learn a few songs to entertain friends and family, but it can also be mastered as a professional Instrument, and a good Guitarist can really make those strings talk. In fact, for a talented and dedicated player the Guitar becomes and extension to their arms.

Ive been teaching the Guitar for many years now and one of my more recent students was a 57 ye ar old coal minor with fingers like bananas. He told me that he and a few of his buddies wanted to form a Band called the Coal Minors (what else!). I just cannot believe his progress. In just 6 month starting from scratch, he has mastered bar chords, scales, and even written a couple of impressive songs with the chords G, C, D, DM, and E. It just goes to show that if you are committed, anything is possible at any age. Reg, and the Coal Minors are due to perform at their next works function and I cant wait to see them.

Its also important to note that you do not need to be able to read Music to play the Guitar well. If Ive read my Music history right neither the Beatles, nor Jimmy Hendrix could read a note, yet their Guitar playing did them proud.

Learning the Guitar is like anything we ach ieve in life, and that is you will only succeed with patience and persistence. Out of 100 students, I would guess that only a very small percentage continues playing this wonderful Instrument throughout their life.

I play Guitar because it gives me great pleasure. You can never stop Learning new skills and improving your playing techniques no matter who you are. Its also a great Instrument to take traveling with you. Anyone with a Guitar slung over their back will have instant friends wherever they go. And finally, a beautiful Guitar is very ornamental. Sit a Guitar on an upright stand and place it strategically in any room, and it will do wonders for the dcor.

Lee Kiley is a proficient writer and webmaster for InstructHow dot com where he writes on such issues as How to Talk to Girls in the 21 st Century! and How To Make Money Fast. He also has many other How to related pieces on the site.

Author:: Lee Kiley
Keywords:: Learn, Guitar, Instru ment, Band, Music, Musical, Musician, Beatles, jimmy Hendrix
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