What are sound effects and production music?
Sound effects (also known as SFX, sound FX, or audio effects) and production Music (background music) are sounds created to enhance your production. Your 'production' may be for tv, radio, film, podcasts, viral videos, ringtones, toys, computer presentations, etc.
How are these sounds made?
The best sound effects are recorded from an original sound and original source. For example you can buy the sound of a door being slammed because a professional sound-effects recording artist has recorded an actual door being slammed in isolation. They have used a top quality microphone and have mastered the sound afterwards to make it sound perfectly clean. Production music is recorded by a musician or band and made available for use.
Why do I need them?
Sound effects and production music are used to give information without the use of dialogue. For example we see a couple inside a cabin but we hear a winter sto rm sound effect coming from outside. Additionally we hear tension-filled background music to create a real atmosphere. Professional, cleanly recorded sound effects / production music highlight or punctuate an idea or emotion in your production. It is very noticeable when it is omitted or a poor quality sound has been used an excellent sound effect should blend in seamlessly.
What kind of formats do sound effects come in?
If you need several sound effects consider buying a CD that includes a range of well-recorded sounds. If you need just one sound, search for a large sound effects library online and download the one sound you need. Downloadable sounds come in: MP3, WAV or AIFF.
Im not sure what sound I need!
If you have any questions before you make your purchase from an online sound effects / production music library a reputable company will offer a toll free number or online support. Listen to the free preview before you make your purchase but rea lize it is in a low-resolution format when you make your purchase you will receive the sound / music in its highest resolution format. Make sure there is a money-back guaranty and a contact or support phone number if you have any questions.
Remember if you have a great idea and want a professionally finished product, make sure you use top-quality sound effects.
Sounddogs.com was created in May of 1997 by Hollywood sound editors with over sixty feature film credits. We created the website out of a need to work fast and efficiently from anywhere in the world. Sounddogs has over 400,000 sounds including award winning sound effects and world class music for productions of any size and budget. 100% money back guaranty. 24/7 assistance. Easy payment. Immediate downloads (or free CD ship ment in North America). Sounddogs.com is the largest online library of sound effects and production music.
Author:: Rob Nokes
Keywords:: sound effects, production music, Sfx, Sounddogs.com, sound editing
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