Following a very successful momentary Pink Floyd reunion at Live 8 last year. Pink Floyd did become the highlight of the concert and adsorbed new fans. Their records improved. And listen to this, they were offered $150 million for a pink floyd reunion and world tour. And what did Gilmour Say? :
We were offered $150 million to do a worldwide Pink Floyd tour . That is sick. There is no way that I am doing it!
It is already known that Gilmour hates being made of money.
All members of the band including Nick Mason and Rick Wright were very much inspired and loved the Pink Floyd reunion gig at Live 8, and most of them want to reteam for a hopeful Pink Floyd tour. Nick Mason says:
David is busy and has no interest in reviving the band. I'd love to do it. Rick probably would and so would Roger. But Mason understands Gilmour's decision: It's probably a good thing that sometimes people don't do things for lots of money, they should do it because they want to .
Roger Waters also loved the Live 8 gig that much even he! now wants to team up with Pink Floyd again, the band that he so fell out with previously.
He said. I very much enjoyed the Live 8 performance, standing up here with these guys. I would love to do something like that again.
However, both Gilmour and Waters are bust doing their own mini tours. Gilmour is touring his new album, 'On an Island'. And Waters is touring the world performing the major selling album Dark Side of The Moon. Does that mean a Pink Floyd reunion is out of the question?! Any fan would say, I hope not!
Pink Floyd is a massive brand name, but I don't want to be that big a brand name. My ambitions are now deliberately smaller. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want my record and tour to sellof course I do. But I think it's a fairly safe bet that as a pArt-time solo Artist, I'm not likely to get up into the stratosphere that Pink Floyd inhabited, Gilmour said.
The Pink Floyd thing was like this huge lumbering beast. This is a much lighter load to carry.
A Pink Floyd reunion seems more unlikely than likely. But, Never say Never.
Anything is possible!
More about David Gilmour and Pink Floyd see the link below.
Read more on DAVID GILMOUR and PINK FLOYD Created by Ameen Jabbar. Specalizes in teaching Pink Floyd Music.
Author:: Ameen Jabbar
Keywords:: david gilmour, david gilmour on an island, pink floyd
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