New York, New York: May 20, 2006
Is Music the answer to creating a peaceful society? We've all heard it said that Music soothes the savage beast, but what about the civilized animal? NYC native Jerald Wolf, a singer and songwriter, may have stumbled upon a solution of sorts for bringing people together. It seems that a young pianist named Marina Vesic from Serbia, heard Mr. Wolfs' Music and fell in love with it. So much so, that she asked Mr Wolf for permission to perform his songs at an upcoming Concert that she was putting on at The Hall of Culture Center in Krusevac on Friday, May 5th. Hesitant at first, Jerald was more than willing after hearing her classical interpretations of his acoustic rock songs and recieving an overwhelmingly positive feedback from many new fans in Serbia. The two came to the conclusion that perhaps this is a good way to bridge the ever-widening gap between our countries. Mr Wolf and Miss Vesic agreed to giving ten percent of the proceeds from the Concert and subsequent CD and video sales to the charity WHY (World Hunger Year/ Artists Against Hunger and Poverty). Miss Vesic has also appeared on Serbian TV on several occasions to help bring attention to and plug the upcoming Concert, as well as the new-found ties with the USA and her home country of Serbia.
In her Concert, Miss Vesic, who studies at the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade and was a first place winner at the International Competition of Young Composers, also in Belgrade, featured her original pieces, as well as two songs by Jerald Wolf from his new CD Winter's Emptiness. She was accompanied by the talented vocalist Jovana Jovanovich. The two performers are known in Serbia as the duo Hedija, meaning present. As a grand finale and a fitting rousing tribute to New York (and new friendships), Miss Vesic and company performed the standard hit New York, New York, with the audience singing out at the end of the song in one loud joyful voice...NEW YORK!
Although the Concert recieved little publicity or attention in the USA, there was an outpouring of genuine enthusiasm from the Serbian Music lovers. Miss Vesic has been approached by several Music and peace affecionados and asked if she will perform future Concerts at different venues in and around her country. The answer was a resounding yes! There has also been a steady stream of new visitors to Mr Wolfs' website leaving messages of love, peace and hope, as well as invitations to come to Serbia to perform.
Is this the beginning to the end of hate and misunderstanding between people of the world? A small step perhaps, but certainly in the right direction.
Bob Ollman
Bob Ollamn is a well-respected indie Music critic from NYC and is currently following the careers of several promising Musicians including Jerald Wolf.
Author:: Bob Ollman
Keywords:: Jerald,Wolf,Marina,Vesic,Winter's,Emptiness,Music,Concert,Serbia,NewYorkCity,
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