Musicians and collectors alike can enjoy antique Violins. These Violins can be hundreds of years old and can sell for thousands, if not millions of dollars. Antique Violins are artifacts of the past as well as beautifully made musical instruments. There are a wide variety of antique Violins ava ilable, some of them one-of-a-kind treasures.
Many early Violins are extremely valuable. The original King Charles IX violin made in 1564 by Andrea Amati is priceless. Other Violins made in later years of the same century can sell for millions of dollars. Violins made by such world renowned makers as Amati, Stradivari, Vuillaume, Amati, Bergonzi, Guarneri, Gasparo da Sal, Stainer are extremely rare and are of great value to collectors.
These instruments are of great value because of their historical significance. Musicians prize these antique Violins because they show the craftsmanship of their makers. They are often intricately designed and feature elaborate and unique carvings and engravings that are not found on many models today.
Many European Violin makers began making replicas of early Violins in the mid 19-th century. These replicas were not made to confuse or trick collectors, but to appeal to students and other people who appreciated the designs of these instruments but did not have the money to purchase originals. Many contemporary violin companies continue to make th ese replicas in the hope of perpetuating classic violin designs. This strategy makes sense when people realize that the basic design of the violin has been relatively unchanged since the 18th century.
Antique Violins are valuable for several reasons. They are rare artifacts, not much different from paintings and sculptures. Antique Violins also provide models for current Violin makers to follow. Musicians appreciate the design and innovation present in original Violi ns.
Violins Info provides detailed information about antique and electric Violins, violin music, sheet music, strings, and shops; violin makers and repair; and explanations of how to play the violin and a short history of the violin. Violins Info is affiliated with Business Plans by Growthink.
Author:: Richard Romando
Keywords:: Violins, electric Violins, violin music
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