Monday, March 14, 2011

Acoustic Guitar and the Craftsmanship Involved

A guitar is made to create every kind of music possible. Be it rock, Latin, Spanish, blues, metal, country, and more, its really a wonder how the same instrument can produce such a wonderful array of music.

Acoustic guitar are those which are made out of wood. The most important factor is that the wood needs to be dried to get the quality of sound. Be it a natural means of drying or Artificial, the dryer the wood is more superior is the sound quality. in earlier days, wood was made to dry for about three years before they were deemed to be fit for use in a guitar.

The bridge unit is an important pArt of an acoustic guitar as the tones, scales, are created here. The bridge consists of a small wooden structure with ivor y toppings to uphold the strings. When the strings are plucked or strummed the vibrations generated in them are transmitted to the bridge unit which is then transmitted to the sound chamber to product the sound.

The body of an acoustic guitar is ideally made of maple wood. There are plenty of acoustic guitars available with plywood body. These are not superior as they lack the superior sound quality. An acoustic guitar is extremely accurate and so should be the quality of wood. Moreover, the two sides of a good acoustic guitar should be exactly equal and this is what shows the craftsmanship involved. Its a common belief that the acoustic guitar wood changes its shape over playing and thats the reason why some guitars are left unvarnished.

One thing to look for is the end block of a guitar. The front and back of a guitar is joined using an end block. Try to find yourself a guitar that has dense wooden end block.

The neck of the guitar is also an important f eature to take care of. The entire portion consists of a long bridge subdivided into frets. These frets are metallic which when pressed upon with the strings generates a pArticular note. Check out for rough edges on the frets as they are likely to leave bruised fingers with you.

Pay attention to these details while buying a guitar. Acoustic guitar is a work of Art and needs to be made with precision. Do not buy a guitar that does not have the above characteristics because it will never give you the feeling.

Anirban Bhattacharya is an editor with the website, a portal entirely dedicated to Art and Entertainment and many other informative as well as shopping/ business websites. He has written and published over 500 Articles and press releases for various websites, helping the relevant readers to shop / business online with better options and oppertunities. For more information about Art , Entertainment, trivia, and more and his work, please visit

Author:: Anirban Bhattacharya
Keywords:: Art, Entertainment, Arts & Entertainment world, Arts & Entertainment world, Arts Entertainment guide
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