Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The New Music Marketing Model for 21st Century

A year ago, I wrote a passionate article on the merits of charging $15 when you sell your CDs. Some of my reasonings included: It's tough for indie Musicians and you have a good music, so don't short-change yourself; you can always discount the CD for special reasons (2-for-1 special); and, the high sales prices also includes your various expenses. I made a few addendums, but that's the gist of it.

But now, if you head over to and check out the Brobdingnagian Bards page at, you'll notice something kinda hypocritical...none of our CDs are priced at $15! What gives??

Well first let me say, yes, I do still believe in a $15.00 sales price for many artists. Certainly, it works best for folk artists, and singer/songwriter types. But my reason is not hypocrisy it is a dramatic change in our marketing plan.

You see, when we started out, I knew that the only real income available to indie Musicians comes from CD sales and merchandis ing since royalties from ASCAP and BMI are a joke. So our plan was to record every 6 months or less and put out new material. By then end of last summer the indie process was leaving us drained, and we were thinking we overextended. Then along comes

One of the things I've been raving about for the past few months is that offers a new marketing model by offering royalties for listens to your music. And if you're getting paid from people listening to your music. Then it needs to be readily available right?

Well, we've followed the footsteps of many of the top artists and have about 40-50 tracks available on our site and more are coming every week. In doing so, we make a solid $20 a day from our site.

Now with each listen, the songs are tracked on on their music charts. You sell a CD, the songs on that CD will rocket up the charts. So you want the CDs to sell, because higher charting equals higher payback. Thus, our low price o n

Now think for a second. If you have 40 songs on your site like the Hillbilly Hellcats, you're most likely going to make your 15 unique listens because your songs are located all over the charts. There are plenty of songs to choose from. Thus the new marketing model no longer relies on CD sales of $15.00, but listens. When you realize that you open yourself up to a whole slew of, in my opinion, simple marketing tactics that will make you more money from listens than selling CDs from your website.

I know this all seems simplistic, but the vast reality is most artists on are still running their band with an older marketing model that does not yield the highest payback. So think about that for a bit, and next week, I have a guest writer who will give you an exciting promotional idea that could send your listens over the top. Then the week following that, I'm going to betray my secret that has my song Tolkien at #35 on all

Stay tune d. Same bard time. Same bard channel!

Bard Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards has helped 1000's of Musicians make money with their musical groups through the Bards Crier Music Marketing and Promotion Ezine and the Texas Musicians' Texas Music Biz Tips. Now you can get personal advice by visiting for FREE how-to music marketing assistance.

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Author:: Marc Gunn
Keywords:: Tips,Musicians,Improve,music Tips,Tips Musicians,promote music, sell CDs
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