Sunday, May 26, 2013

Why The Heck Should I Learn Major Scales?

Why the heck should I learn major Scales?

If someone asked you, what is a scale? ... would you be able to answer them?

Scales are important. They are the basis of melodies and chords. Without knowing your Scales, you are a car mechanic without her tools.

What are Scales? A good way to define a scale is to list the following characteristics:

-A scale is an organized series of pitches (...basically notes)
-A scale consist of a series of notes that differ in sound
-A scale is linked to the concept of Major Keys in that a song which utilizes a given scale is said to be in that key (For example: Mary had a little lamb in C major).

In my course, we teach the following principle:

A major scale has 8 tones. The (C major scale) is: C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C. In other words, the (C major scale) consists of all the white keys in between to the C notes.

It is very important that you remember this poem:

Half steps are from key to key with N O keys in between,
Whole steps always skip a key with ONE key in between.

(H) Half Step: key to key (for example, C to C# is a half step because there are no skipped notes)

(W) Whole step: every other key (for example C to D because C# is skipped ---- or F to G because F# is skipped).

The major scale is built using the following pattern:


For example, in C major:

C to D is a whole step (w).
D to E is a whole step (w).

However, E to F is a half step (h).

F to G is a whole step (w).
G to A is a whole step (w).
A to B is a whole step (w) and ...

B to C is a half step (h).

With this principle, you should be able to learn your major Scales in all 12 keys! Just start with the first note and build on top of it.

C = C + D + E + F + G + A + B + C

You try the rest ...

C# = + + + + + + +

D = + + + + + + +

Eb = + + + + + + +

E = + + + + + + +

F = + + + + + + +

F# = + + + + + + +

G = + + + + + + +

Ab = + + + + + + +

A = + + + + + + +

Bb = + + + + + + +

B = + + + + + + +

This article was taken from my 300-pg workbook, The Secrets to Playing Piano by Ear! The technique taught here is just one of several different techniques taught in our 300-pg course.



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The Secrets to Playing Piano By Ear 300pg Course - Learn the secrets to playing literally any song on the piano with a few simple, easy-to-understand techniques and principles! Join Jermaine Griggs in learning tons of music theory, concepts, and tricks that will help you to learn piano by ear! Thousands of musicians have already tak en advantage of this excellent program ... why not you?

The Secrets to Playing Piano By Ear is full of easy-to-understand tricks, tips, techniques and secrets to playing piano by ear! For this month only, I've also been able to throw in a few bonus items (3 additional piano software programs). Visit my website to learn the secrets to playing absolutely any song on the piano in virtually minutes! You won't regret it!

Author:: Jermaine Griggs
Keywords:: major Scales, Scales, music theory, piano lessons, minor Scales, beginning lessons, Ear-training
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