Wednesday, June 20, 2012

One Way to Improve Your Music Journalist Relationship

Boy, I really detest how some people do websites. Bands are some of the worst. Seems like any band that wants to look Professional feels they must create a website using pop-ups and Flash. Why? Cuz that's what the Majors do?

I tried to go to a friend's website today to find his email address. He's in a band. Click here if you have a pop-up stopper. Now is that a stupid way to start a website or what?

So I clicked... dreading the outcome... For the next minute the minute Flash loaded... A MINUTE!

Meanwhile, I was enjoying some wonderful Music by Angelo Branduardi, a wonderful Italian world folk Musician. Then BLLAAAAARRRR. The frickin Flash Pr< /b>ogram was trying to play Music that was causing Problems with the Music I was enjoying... All I wanted was an email address, not a headache!

I find it intriguing. Do you really WANT to alienate Journalists?

I publish this newsletter and the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine, and I have to steer clear of Flash websites, because they cause Problems. I skip them. NO Band is so good that I'm willing to put up with that crap!

Not to mention Flash websites hinder my ability to review the band. You see, when I start researching a band, I go to their website, copy and paste some info about the band, finish my comments, and voila! There is NO cop y and pasting available with Flash. Again, you've cut your opportunities for getting decent reviews in half.

I know you want to take advantage of the cool technology available, but technology is useless unless it is used with intelligence. So seriously folks, lay off the Flash websites!

Bard Marc Gunn of the Brobdingnagian Bards has helped 1000's of Musicians make money with their Musical groups through the Bards Crier Music Marketing and Promotion Ezine and the Texas Musicians' Texas Music Biz Tips. Now you can get personal advice by visiting for FREE how-to Music marketing assistance.

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Author:: Marc Gunn
Keywords:: Music,Flash,Journalist s,Promotion,Pr
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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