Sunday, September 25, 2011

Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Oboe Playing Now!

10. Ask another oboist to play duets with you, or schedule an informal chamber music reading with whomever you know within the next few days.

You can learn a whole lot (mostly about yourself) by listening and playing with others. Playing with other oboists or instruments forces you to LISTEN, which is perhaps the most important skill of all.

9. Soak some cane, make a reed in 5 minutes and then force yourself to practice on it today.

Being able to make Oboe reeds quickly is a great skill to develop for any oboist. Knowing you are only minutes away from a playing Oboe reed will lower your stress level and ensure that you wi ll have a steady supply of practice reeds.

8. Trade Oboe reeds with a friend and teach each other something.

While you might not be able to play a concert on a friends Oboe reed, you can certainly learn a thing or two by studying how they make their reeds and how they adjust the reed to suit their personal taste.

7. If youre in a reed rut (or even if youre not) order a reed or two.

Buying reeds (even if you make them) is a great way to get a different perspective on reedmaking.

6. Record yourself practicing-and then listen to it, taking notes.

Just like hearing a recording of your voice for the first time, li stening to a recording of your playing can be an eye opener. Once you get over the shock of hearing EXACTLY how you sound to others, you will soon realize the importance of this simple exercise. Whats the biggest benefit? Over time, the productivity of your practice sessions will go through the roof.

5. Spend the next half hour playing long tones.

There are endless long tone exercises to choose from (check out our practice book in our store for specific exercises), but be sure that you take time everyday to work on this most important of skills. Playing and practicing long tones will do more for developing your Oboe playing skills than almost any other practice exercises.

4. Play a mock audition or a mock recital for some of your friends tonight.

Playing an Oboe audition or recital can be quite a harrowing experience for most people, so it is smart to get in the habit of practicing these skills before the big day. Giving mini-recitals or mock auditions will help you develop ways to control your nerves and make sure you are still able to communicate your music when the pressure is on.

3. Teach a younger student; youll be teaching yourself at the same time.

Someone once said, You never truly know something until you teach it. And so it goes with the Oboe. Teaching someone else is the best way to ingrain things in your head. You benefit and your student does as well.

2. Get out that metronome and start double-tonguing again.

You never know what type of crazy conductor will be in the drivers seat the next time you have to play La Scala. If she is a speed demon, your double-tonguing skills will come in handy. Its not the most interesting thing in the world to practice, but it will come in handy time and time again.

1. Take a day off from practicing and live life!

Apart from practicing, the best way to improve your music skills is to live life. Musicians communicate little bits of who they are through their music. With this being the case, try to make those little bits as interesting as possible. Get out, see the world, meet new people It WILL improve your Oboe playing. Guaranteed.

Oboist and online entrepreneur Maryn Leister helps beginner and professional oboists to be more prod uctive and have more fun on the Oboe. She publishes the weekly Oboe:Space newsletter and gives away more FREE Oboe reed tips than she can remember with her Reed Guru service.

Sign-up for the Oboe:Space newsletter and start getting your FREE Oboe reed tips now at

Author:: Maryn Leister
Keywords:: Oboe
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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